Incentivando la Innovación Colaborativa en la Industria Minera

Ministerio de Minería
Mining Center

External Barriers to Mining Ecosystem Innovation


An ongoing project of innovation can be affected and even stopped if the client’s boss changes because the new person in charge may not be interested in the continuity of the project.

Mitigation Proposals

•Institutionalize the project.
•Establish a deputy director.
•Prepare updated documentation and share it with the client: minutes, progress reports, and emails.


Regarding non-competitive issues, there is no collaboration between entities. An example is the treatment of waste, managed separately by each company, which implies a greater effort and quantity of resources allocated for this purpose. The lack of collaboration hinders the development process of technological innovation as there is no effective communication between the stakeholders of the industry and therefore there is no transfer of knowledge and experiences between them.

Mitigation Proposals

•Instances of institutionalized public-private collaboration.
•Financing and empowerment of collaborative projects (CORFO).
•Development of the mining council.


Most of the mining technology is requested from abroad due to time and resources.

Mitigation Proposals

•Register and characterize local providers, in terms of their offer of products and services.
•Enhance the development of world-class providers.
•Take advantage of the Trade Associations.
•Create an internationalization platform (e.g. Profo of CORFO-ProChile and Promos of Milan)
•Generate partnership instances among local providers.
•Learn from international experiences of open innovation platforms.
•Know the status of “freedom of operation” over Patenting.


There is a lack of incentives, both monetary and otherwise, that motivate the company’s staff to create new solutions, because the resources available for the technological development of the industry are scarce, mainly for high-impact development. To this, the meager funds destined for risk capital are added.

Mitigation Proposals

•Dissemination of incentives and funds for the development of technological innovation in Chile.
•Increase of the private contribution in the development of innovation.
•Most active role of the Trade Associations of suppliers.
•Platform with greater reach of disclosure of successful cases.


To implement new technologies, big companies require a leader or champion to support and promote the initiative, because it is an innovation that still does not respond to the daily activities of the company. The lack of a champion can mean the end of an innovative project, although it has great potential.

Mitigation Proposals

•Institutionalization of solutions / innovation within mining companies.
•Generation of incentives for the training of leaders in extractive companies.


Due to the level of knowledge involved in a technological development project, collaboration between companies is a key mechanism to share resources and risks. However, in the national mining environment, a certain level of distrust persists to work with associated companies.

Mitigation Proposals

•Formal collaboration procedures (NDA, IP agreements, MOU, MTA).
•Promote open collaboration activities.


SME supplier companies are often confronted with short-term problems and, therefore, must focus on daily tasks in order to survive. This, added to the risk associated with innovation, discourages the development of new projects.

Mitigation Proposals

•Promote partnerships between small and large suppliers for the development of innovation projects.
•Greater access to risk capital.
•Establish a new measurement and characterization of suppliers focused on innovation for mining.


The mining industry focuses its efforts on maintaining and increasing production levels permanently over time. When it comes to long-term innovation projects, the operational areas have no greater interest in investing, because there is no direct impact on production.

Mitigation Proposals

•Improve balance between incremental innovation and disruptive innovation.
•Encourage the development of precompetitive collaborative projects.
•Design of constant visualizations that provide easy to follow guidelines.
•Permanent update of Road Maps and technological Benchmarking.


The resources available for the technological development of the industry are scarce, mainly for the development of high impact projects.

Mitigation Proposals

•Dissemination of incentives and funds for the development of technological innovation in Chile.
•Increase of the private contribution in the development of innovation.
•Most active role of the Trade Associations of suppliers.
•Platform with greater reach of disclosure of successful cases.