Milodon Anfo Truck
Development of the Cuprochlor Process for Primary Sulfide Leaching
Condition Monitoring for Mining Truck Engines
Bucket Wheel and Stacker Teleoperation (Mine)
Fast Conveyor Belt Repair System
Development of a Dry Mold Release Agent for Smelters
See detail
UMAN System for Monitoring Pressure and Temperature in Mining Tires
Development of the Cuprochlor Technology for Chemical Leaching of Secondary Sulfides
KPI / Technology Business•Original product with a high level of replicability.
•Export of the product to countries such as: South Africa, Australia, Indonesia and Thailand, among others.
•Implementation of innovation dynamics within the company.
KPI / Impact:• Original product with high level of replicability.
• Export of the product to more than 27 countries.
• Implementation of innovation dynamics within the company.
CommercializationOnce the solution was implemented in El Teniente, it was easier to enter mining companies. This helped position the product in foreign markets. It has taken advantage of the accumulated know-how to create other versions that add value such as: Fourthane Green Line, Fourthane Red Line, Fourthane Orange Line, among others. The nature of this innovation allows the creation of a business model based on the periodic distribution of the Fourthane kits, which shows the high level of replicability of the solution, which is able to adapt to the client's needs through the existence of a base knowledge.
Success Factor:Innovation leader inside the technology developer.
Place of Implementation:Minera Los Pelambres Company. Minera El Abra Company.
Commercialization:Because of the success of the innovation, this remote control system could be replicated in the Gabriela Mistral mining company site of Codelco. Since this, SK Godelius has been developing a system capable of performing manual tasks in mining environments, without human presence. It is a robotic solution because the interaction with tools and manual processes requires levels of fine skills, which cannot be resolved with teleoperated systems. The design seeks the precise combination between the autonomous abilities of a robot and the control of a human being that incorporates high-level decisions specific to the task to be performed.
KPI / Technology Business:•Based on this solution, teleoperation was implemented in the Spreader of the Gabriela Mistral division of Codelco.
•In the area of remote-controlled equipment, the company takes advantage of the know-how generated over time to work on teleoperation of equipment, blasting, operation, among others.
KPI / Impact:•Productivity: Longer operating time of the rotopala, since the change of the operator's shift takes place almost immediately.
•Security: The stacker and rotopala operators are changed from a potentially dangerous area with difficult access to a command cabin.
•Improvement in the accuracy of the stack geometry with the teleoperated solution.
Place of Implementation:Compañía Minera Chiquicamata
Success Factor:Capacity to implement the solution with operating bucket wheel and stacker, that is, without interfering with the production process.
Commercialization:The innovation begins to be exported to the Komatsu truck factory in the USA while the packaged product is sold worldwide. It is a solution with a high level of replicability.
Place of Implementation:Cummins engines in Komatsu truck fleet.
Success Factor:Collaborative work between 2 associated companies.
KPI / Technology Business:Given the success and level of impact of the solution developed, this technology begins to be exported to the USA, specifically to the Komatsu truck factory.
KPI / Impact:•A solution that provides simultaneous monitoring of approximately 600 operational truck engines. The information is delivered almost in real time.
•In terms of costs, significant savings are made because of the low number of engines damaged in operation.
•Productivity: less truck downtime, the information allows to plan the maintenance of the units in a preventive way. On the other hand, bad driving habits, such as speeding decrease.
Place of Implementation:Minera El Soldado Company
Commercialization:From the development of UMAN and considering the success that the service has had, the company decides to implement an R & D department, which facilitates the improvements to the technology created, as well as the development of new projects. Bailac SAN establishes collaborative work dynamics with its mining clients; an idea of improvement or innovation can arise from both the provider and the mining site. In this way, both the Science Push and Market Pull strategies are present. From fluid communication, inputs such as ideas or proposals arise facilitating the creation of value. The UMAN system is present in 8 mining companies in Chile, and also in Cerro Vanguardia, Argentina.
KPI/ Impact:•Safety •In terms of duration, fewer early tire losses stand out.
•Cost: reduction of tire purchase and costs associated with the purchase.
•Productivity: shorter equipment downtime when having online information on temperature and pressure measurements.
KPI / Technology Business:Fuel, maintenance and tires are, in general, the greatest expense in a mining operation. For this reason, having accurate information is essential to achieve optimal performance of the tire and ensure maximum performance. The advantage of this system is that it works on any OTR tire, regardless of the brand, type, and size.
Success Factor:The developer's ability to integrate different technologies and generate its own solution.
KPI / Technology Business:The Milodon truck has a high level of replicability; it is possible to generate new versions of smaller size to adapt to smaller work sites.
The successful Milodon truck project is a key point for the next innovation projects developed in the country.
The experience and learning about innovation processes allow a much more precise systematization in current projects.
Commercialization:Since its successful implementation at the Escondida mining company, the solution has also been adopted by other mining companies, mainly the larger ones such as Collahuasi. Currently, 30% of the Enaex truck fleet are Milodon trucks. Given its success, there are good prospects for export to large markets, such as Brazil and Australia.
Success Factor:Key project to systematize the innovation management of the company.
Place of Implementation:Minera Escondida /
Minera Collahuasi
KPI / Impact:•It allows a smaller number of ANFO trucks circulating in the operation, optimizing and reducing logistic costs.
•It increases operator safety by not exposing him to hazardous substances.
•It has a waste container system so that waste remains in the truck and does not have contact with the land.
KPI / Impact:•Bioleaching not only solves the problem to a large extent, but it also allows economic benefits from the new ore, which could not have been exploited in any other way.
•Through this process, it is possible to achieve between 30% and 40% recovery.
Commercialization:The business model of this innovation is not based on a product but on the provision of services because for the correct application of the technology, its developer needs to be present and supervise the process.
KPI / Technology Business:Codelco has used bioleaching in several of its work sites, not only because of the economic benefits involved, but also because of its efficient implementation. It is possible to use facilities for oxides that existed previously in the conventional hydrometallurgy process.
Success Factor:Collaborative work between Michilla and a small mining company.
Place of Implementation:Minera Mochila Company
(until December 2015)
Commercialization:In this case, the know-how of the Pudahuel mining company was transferred to Michilla when six people from the metallurgical research area of the former became part of this plant.
KPI / Technology Business:The technological implementation allowed the mine to continue operating for another 14 years, avoiding the closure process planned for 2001.
KPI / Impact:•This process helped maintain the annual production contributing between 30% and 40% to the total (50 thousand tons).
•The use of the CuproChlor technology contributed to lower production costs.
Place of Implementation:Mining Company Radomiro Tomic
Success Factor:The R & D center considers the commercial aspect of the innovation process.
KPI / Impact:Increased safety: the exposure of operators to high temperatures is avoided, preventing potential accidents.
Savings: lower costs in supplies for the smelting process.
Productivity: Improvement in the quality of anodes.
Commercialization:From the different technological developments of the company, the spin-off Innovaxxion Services arises, a company that provides regular services of products already packaged by Innovaxxion.
Innovaxxion offered a business model based on the lease of the solution.
From the company, they point out that the solution was implemented as a printer of the release agent because the operator can print the amount of solution required thus the principal pays according to what it is used.
KPI / Technology Business:Currently, the dry mold release agent solution is in patenting process in Chile and 10 other countries.
Success Factor:The developer company creates an environment of knowledge "nodes" with companies and entities, from which it develops its own technology.
Place of Implementation:Confidential at the request of the developer.
Due to the requirement of the Chuquicamata Mine, the technological challenge of implementing the solution with a working machine had to be addressed.
The implementation of the solution did not require stopping the bucket wheel and stacker productive hours. From its initial concept, the technological solution took into account the feedback from the client as an essential element on how to deliver a user friendly solution, considering the time it has been working in a certain way.
Keys to Implementation
Thus, a solution was found to locate the operator in an insulated room where he could handle the large equipment with the same visibility, and away from the hazardous area. In 2012, SK Godelius installed the first Teleoperation of large machines in the Chuquicamata Heap Leaching Ore Processing Plant, which marked a real milestone for both the company and the mining industry.
In practice, implementing teleoperation consists of transferring the controls and commands of these machines to a remote control center, located several kilometers away. This improves the working environment and also the productive dimension since it allows improvements in the geometry of the pads, coordination with the production of "upstream" stages, shift changes that take less time, among others.
In November 2011, the company SK Godelius started the Bucket Wheel and Stacker Teleoperation project at the Heap Leaching Ore Processing Plant in the Chuquicamata Division of Codelco. This innovation arose in response to the need for a control system that would allow to optimize the time taken by shift changes and, at the same time, provide greater safety for workers who were exposed to occupational accidents and diseases due to the harsh environment generated by the leaching process with sulfuric acid.
Komatsu trucks came with a monitoring system from their factory, in the US; however, the data collected allowed to monitor only one truck at a time and with a slow and cumbersome system. Therefore, the need for obtaining data to verify the conditions of the mining truck engine arose.
Keys to Implementation:
To process the information, a university research center developed specialized software, which systematizes the data obtained, so that personnel can work with them. Through these sensors, located in the engine of the truck, it was possible to monitor the conditions of the vehicles in real time and anticipate possible problems. The system is capable of providing data on the status of around 600 trucks simultaneously.
An internal development group of Cummins creates the black box that collects the data from the engine sensors and sends them over the internet. Thus, a telephone company connects this engine sensor with the main office. In addition, a software company develops a specialized computer program that integrates algorithms so that they can be processed by Cummins experts, who give the necessary guidelines so that the rest of personnel operates according to the data available.
Thus, the companies Komatsu and Cummins came together to devise their own solution, developed jointly. In 2014, the condition monitoring project began for Cummins engines, which operate in the Komatsu truck fleets. The internal innovation group of Cummins developed a black box that sends over the Internet the information collected by sensors that have been placed in the engines to provide the necessary information.
Thus, it worked with an English company, which manufactures this device sensor until now. It also worked with a national company, which developed an electronic card that sends the data obtained by the sensor, via radiofrequency.
From the shortage and high cost of giant mining tires, the idea of offering an OTR tire pressure monitoring system arises. The solution avoids unexpected explosion of tires, and also extends their useful life. On the other hand, it reduces the costs of the productive enterprise by requiring fewer annual units.
Bailac SAN was already a provider of tire maintenance, but it sought to generate an additional impact on the value chain of the mining client; therefore, in 2004, it conceived the project called the UMAN system for monitoring pressure and temperature inside mining tires through a sensor.
The work is done with an international company, specialized in electronic components, which builds the sensor that is inserted into the tires. Then, a national company is used to locate the sensor technology in an intelligent data capture and storage unit. Bailac integrates the solution and, based on this, trains the company's personnel to apply mitigation measures such as: reducing speed, changing the operation cycle or stopping a team. Thus, the company offers UMAN technology as an improvement to its maintenance services.
This technological solution is implemented to increase safety and efficiency in mining operations. It was developed by the company Enaex thanks to its work with large international providers associated with the transport sector such as Renault and Mercedes Benz. Thus, the consultancies of companies associated with the computer industry allowed Milodon to record certain data such as its location and speed to subsequently optimize processes. These innovations have reduced personnel in the mine by 33% on the sites where Milodon has been used.
Working in mining operations with explosives is a common practice even though it is dangerous, especially when several vehicles circulate in the area, exposing their workers to some type of accident. This was the main reason that led Milodon to implement its ANFO Truck project successfully at the Escondida mine in 2012.
The truck also has safety and stability systems to protect it from the hazard of rollovers, considering that they are large vehicles that also operate regularly on uneven terrain.
It is the world's largest mining explosive truck with a capacity of 30 tons (the average of these vehicles is only 18 tons). Thus, it allows to increase the blasting speed, which was a latent need of the national mining industry.
In this context, the company Biosigma decided to research the bioleaching process of these primary sulfides to help the company Radomiro Tomic adapt to the increase of this type of ore. To achieve this, different bacteria were technically evaluated, selecting the most effective ones. After this, the chosen ones went through growth processes for 12 years.
Through this research, Biosigma managed to find a way of using these microorganisms to extract copper efficiently and at low cost.
As the mining industry diversifies and becomes more complex, the extraction of primary sulfides increases, so it is necessary to find a way of treating them.
This solution was part of an innovation process that involved a long stage of laboratory research that, in turn, generated important industrial property (78 patents granted and 36 in process). Communication and feedback with people from the division was key throughout the process. As the project progressed, the Radomiro Tomic's personnel became increasingly involved.
This prompted it to join the Michilla mining company to carry out joint work between 1998 and 2001 and prevent the latter from closing. The objective was to solve the sustained decrease of oxides to exploit and the increase of secondary sulfides, which progressively raised production costs.
By 2001, the Michilla mining company faced the possibility of closing, so the Pudahuel metallurgical research team proposed to implement the Cuprochlor technology and joined the plant area to do so. Thus, collaborative work dynamics began between Michilla and Pudahuel’s personnel under a Joint Venture system, i.e. sharing the ownership of the patent and the revenues of the solution.
In 1998, the Pudahuel mining company patented the Cuprochlor technology for chemical leaching of secondary sulfides, but it did not have the appropriate ore to test the technology industrially.
The company Innovaxxion has stood out for its ability to generate technological solutions and it works with a defined methodology to manage innovation projects, a method based on the design thinking process, created by Stanford University.
Faced with a new challenge, the company devises a range of potential solutions, which are filtered to reach the most feasible one. Working with partner entities: a foreign company to manufacture equipment and a research center for laboratory tests. To protect the company's know-how, the release agent formula remains an industrial secret. Given the difficult moment of the mining industry, the company applies the leasing business model, which allows the client to implement the solution.
The development of a dry release agent to be used in smelters, avoids the use of water in high temperature environments. As for the smelter, the need to increase the people's safety in hazardous processes is identified.
Based on the technological requirements of a refinery, the company developed the dry release agent, a solution that avoids using water in the smelter. It is a paste, mixed with different components, which is inserted into a mold inside the smelter.
CommercializationOnce the solution was implemented in El Teniente, it was easier to enter mining companies. This helped position the product in foreign markets. It has taken advantage of the accumulated know-how to create other versions that add value such as: Fourthane Green Line, Fourthane Red Line, Fourthane Orange Line, among others. The nature of this innovation allows the creation of a business model based on the periodic distribution of the Fourthane kits, which shows the high level of replicability of the solution, which is able to adapt to the client's needs through the existence of a base knowledge.
KPI / Impact:•Original product with high level of replicability. •Export of the product to more than 27 countries. •Implementation of innovation dynamics within the company.
KPI / Technology Business•Original product with a high level of replicability. •Export of the product to countries such as: South Africa, Australia, Indonesia and Thailand, among others.
•Implementation of innovation dynamics within the company.
Place of Implementation:Minera Los Pelambres Company.
Minera El Abra Company.
Due to the requirement of the Chuquicamata Mine, the technological challenge of implementing the solution with a working machine had to be addressed. The implementation of the solution did not require stopping the bucket wheel and stacker productive hours. From its initial concept, the technological solution took into account the feedback from the client as an essential element on how to deliver a user friendly solution, considering the time it has been working in a certain way.
Success Factor:Collaborative work between 2 associated companies.
Condition Monitoring for
Mining Truck Engines
KPI / Impact:•Safety
•In terms of duration, fewer early tire losses stand out.
•Cost: reduction of tire purchase and costs associated with the purchase.
•Productivity: shorter equipment downtime when having online information on temperature and pressure measurements.
Place of Implementation:Minera El Soldado Company
Bailac SAN was already a provider of tire maintenance, but it sought to generate an additional impact on the value chain of the mining client; therefore, in 2004, it conceived the project called the UMAN system for monitoring pressure and temperature inside mining tires through a sensor.
Place of Implementation:Minera Escondida / Minera Collahuasi
KPI / Impact:•It allows a smaller number of ANFO trucks circulating in the operation, optimizing and reducing logistic costs.
•It increases operator safety by not exposing him to hazardous substances.
•It has a waste container system so that waste remains in the truck and does not have contact with the land.
KPI / Technology Business:The Milodon truck has a high level of replicability; it is possible to generate new versions of smaller size to adapt to smaller work sites. The successful Milodon truck project is a key point for the next innovation projects developed in the country. The experience and learning about innovation processes allow a much more precise systematization in current projects.
Place of Implementation:Minera Mochila Company (until December 2015)
KPI / Technology BusinessThe technological implementation allowed the mine to continue operating for another 14 years, avoiding the closure process planned for 2001.
KPI / Impact:•This process helped maintain the annual production contributing between 30% and 40% to the total (50 thousand tons).
•The use of the CuproChlor technology contributed to lower production costs.
Success Factor:The developer company creates an environment of knowledge "nodes" with companies and entities, from which it develops its own technology.
Commercialization:From the different technological developments of the company, the spin-off Innovaxxion Services arises, a company that provides regular services of products already packaged by Innovaxxion. Innovaxxion offered a business model based on the lease of the solution. From the company, they point out that the solution was implemented as a printer of the release agent because the operator can print the amount of solution required thus the principal pays according to what it is used.
KPI / Impact:Increased safety: the exposure of operators to high temperatures is avoided, preventing potential accidents.
Savings: lower costs in supplies for the smelting process. Productivity: Improvement in the quality of anodes.
The company Innovaxxion has stood out for its ability to generate technological solutions and it works with a defined methodology to manage innovation projects, a method based on the design thinking process, created by Stanford University.
Fourthane put this polymer on sale creating a fast system to repair conveyor belts that revolutionized the market because it is applied directly in the damaged area and, in less than an hour, it is possible to resume the work with the equipment back in service.
Cecil Fourt, director and owner of a company named Fourthane, created a polymer capable of fixing the damage on a conveyor belt in just 45 minutes.
Before this innovation, damage on the belts resulted in stopping the works on site, generating high costs for the companies as production hours were lost.
The idea originated with home tests, carried out by Cecil Fourth, which solved the processing of certain spare parts. After a year and a half of trials and studies, the polymer is developed and this new solution is developed with easy application and rapid results. Finally, the incorporation of an expert is established, with strong networking, to work in the sale and export of the product.